C Programming

General Programs

Arithematic Operations
Even or Odd
Prime or Composite
Positive or Negative
Biggest and Smallest of 3 numbers
Reverse of a number
Palindrome number or not
Armstrong number or not
Swapping of 2 numbers
Increment(++) and Decrement(--) operations
Simple Intrest
Average of n numbers
Conditional Operator

Programs on Arrays

Sum Of Elements in an Array
Largest Element in  an Array
Smallest Element in an Array
Ascending Order
Descending Order
Even and Odd numbers in an Array
Printing alternate elements in an Array
Increment all the elements in an Array
Decrement all the elements in an Array
Average of all the elements in an Array
Copy elements from one array to another array
Reverse all the elements in an array
Maximum difference between the elements in an Array

Addition Of 2 matrices
Substraction of 2 matrices
Normal of a matrix
Trace of a matrix
Transpose of a matrix
Upper Triangular Matrix
Lower Triangular Matrix

Programs on Searching and Sorting

Binary Search
Linear Search

Bubble Sort

Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Heap Sort

Programs on Patterns

To print a diamond with stars
To Print a Floyd's Triangle
To Print Palindrome Triangle
To Print Pascals Triangle
To  Print Right angled triangle
To Print a triangle pattern(filled with stars)
To Print a triangle pattern (filled with numbers)

Programs on Strings

Getting Started with strings - Using gets() and puts()
Length of a string using strlen()
Length Of a String without using string function strlen()
Reverse of a string without using strrev()
Concat two strings without using function strcat()
Concat two strings using strcat()
String copy without using strcpy()

Miscellaneous Programs

Computing the date of Easter Sunday