A list of different python programs.
Basic Programs
- Python program to find number of digits in a number
- Python program to find area of triangle (given base and height)
- Python program to find area of a triangle ( given all sides )
- Python program to find a number is prime or composite
- Find square root of a number using sqrt() function
- Find square root of a number using exponential operation
- Python program to calculate the sum of elements in a list
- Python Program to find the Biggest and Smallest of 3 numbers using lists
- Python program to find the largest and smallest number in a list
- Python Program to find the Biggest and Smallest of 3 numbers
- Python Program to check Armstrong number or not
- Python program to check whether a number is Palindrome or not
- Python program to find reverse of a number
- Python program to find reverse of a number using slice
- Python program to find average of N numbers
- Python Program to find whether an integer is even or odd number
- Python program for performing Arithmetic Operations
- Python Lists – Add, Append, Modify, Remove, Slice
GUI Programs
- Layout Managers in Python GUI – Pack, Grid and Place
- How to create a temperature converter app in python GUI using TKInter
- A simple python GUI calculator using TKInter
- Introduction to Python GUI – Labels, Frames, Buttons
Programs on Functions
- How to create a temperature converter app in python GUI using TKInter
- Python program to print Fibonacci sequence
- Python Program to find the Biggest and Smallest of 3 numbers
Programs on List
- How to find Union of two lists in Python
- Separate even and odd numbers in a list
- Python program to merge / concatenate two lists
- Python program to calculate the sum of elements in a list
- Python Program to find the Biggest and Smallest of 3 numbers using lists
- Python program to find the largest and smallest number in a list
- Python Lists – Add, Append, Modify, Remove, Slice
Math Programs
- Python program to print Fibonacci sequence
- Python program to find Factorial of a given number
- Python program to find area of triangle (given base and height)
- Python program to find area of a triangle ( given all sides )
- Find square root of a number using exponential operation