This is basic program for all starters. It simply takes two integer numbers adds , subtracts , multiples and divides them.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { float a,b,c,d,e,f; printf("Enter first number: \t" ); scanf("%f", &a); printf("Enter another number: \t" ); scanf("%f",&b); c=a+b; d=a-b; e=a*b; f=a/d; printf("\n Sum of two numbers %f and %f is : %f \n",a,b,c ); printf("\n Difference of two numbers %f and %f is : %f \n",a,b,d ); printf("\n Product of two numbers %f and %f is : %f \n",a,b,e ); printf("\n Division of two numbers %f and %f is : %f \n",a,b,f ); return 0; }OUTPUT :
C - Arithematic Operations |