Sunday 4 January 2015

Cpp - Increment and Decrement Operators

This is a Cpp program to test increment and decrement operators.
Increment operator increases the value by 1.
Decrement operator decreases by 1.

There are two types of increment and decrement operators ( pre and post)

++a  preincremeent (first increments the value for processing)
a++ postincrement ( first time same value of a is used , then for after use it increments by 1)
--a preincrement (first decrements the value for processing)
a-- postincrement( first time same value of a is used , then for after use it decrements by 1)

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int num1,num2,temp_num;
    cout << "Enter 1st number : \t" ;
    cin >> num1;
    cout << "\n Enter 2nd number : \t";
    cin >> num2;

    cout << "\nThe numbers before swapping : \t" << num1 << "\t"<< num2 << endl;


    cout << " \nThe numbers after swapping : \t" << num1 << "\t"<< num2 << endl;
    return 0;

Cpp Programming - Increment and Decrement Operators