Linked List is another data structure consisting of group of nodes which together represent a sequence. Each node has two parts one for the value and other for link to the next node.
Linked lists allows dynamic memory allocation.
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Linked lists allows dynamic memory allocation.
A singly linked list whose nodes contain two fields: an integer value and a link to the next node |
Some of the operations in a linked list are :
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; struct node { int value; struct node *next; }*start; typedef struct node snode; snode *newnode, *ptr, *prev, *temp; snode *first = NULL, *last = NULL; class LinkedList { public: node* create_node(int); void insertNodeFirst(); void insertNodeLast(); void insertNodePosition(); void deleteNode(); void updateNode(); void displayList(); LinkedList() { start = NULL; } }; int main() { int ch; char ans = 'Y'; LinkedList ll; while (ans == 'Y'||ans == 'y') { cout << "\n1.Insert node at first"; cout << "\n2.Insert node at last"; cout << "\n3.Insert node at position"; cout << "\n4.Delete Node from any Position"; cout << "\n5.Update Node Value"; cout << "\n6.Display List"; cout << "\n7.Exit\n"; cout << "\nEnter your choice: \t"; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: ll.insertNodeFirst(); break; case 2: ll.insertNodeLast(); break; case 3: ll.insertNodePosition(); break; case 4: ll.deleteNode(); break; case 5: ll.updateNode(); break; case 6: ll.displayList(); break; case 7: return 0; break; default: cout << "\nInvalid Choice\n"; break; } cout << "\nDo you want to continue ? (Y/N) \t"; cin >> ans; } return 0; } snode* createNode(int val) { newnode = (snode *)malloc(sizeof(snode)); if (newnode == NULL) { cout << "\nMemory was not allocated"; return 0; } else { newnode->value = val; newnode->next = NULL; return newnode; } } void LinkedList::insertNodeFirst() { int val; cout << "\nEnter the value for the node: \t"; cin >> val; newnode = createNode(val); if (first == last && first == NULL) { first = last = newnode; first->next = NULL; last->next = NULL; } else { temp = first; first = newnode; first->next = temp; } cout << "\nInserted Successfully"; } void LinkedList::insertNodeLast() { int val; cout << "\nEnter the value for the Node: \t"; cin >> val; newnode = createNode(val); if (first == last && last == NULL) { first = last = newnode; first->next = NULL; last->next = NULL; } else { last->next = newnode; last = newnode; last->next = NULL; } cout << "\nInserted Successfully"; } void LinkedList::insertNodePosition() { int pos, val, count = 0, i; cout << "\nEnter the value for the Node: \t"; cin >> val; newnode = createNode(val); cout << "\nEnter the position: \t"; cin >> pos; ptr = first; while (ptr != NULL) { ptr = ptr->next; count++; } if (pos == 1) { if (first == last && first == NULL) { first = last = newnode; first->next = NULL; last->next = NULL; } else { temp = first; first = newnode; first->next = temp; } cout << "\nInserted Successfully"; } else if (pos>1 && pos<=count) { ptr = first; for (i = 1; i < pos; i++) { prev = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } prev->next = newnode; newnode->next = ptr; cout << "\nInserted Successfully"; } else { cout << "Position is out of range"; } } void LinkedList::deleteNode() { int pos, count = 0, i; if (first == NULL) { cout << "No nodes in the list to delete\n"; } else { cout << "\nEnter the position of value to be deleted: \t"; cin >> pos; ptr = first; if (pos == 1) { first = ptr->next; cout << "\nElement deleted successfully"; } else { while (ptr != NULL) { ptr = ptr->next; count = count + 1; } if (pos > 0 && pos <= count) { ptr = first; for (i = 1; i < pos; i++) { prev = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } prev->next = ptr->next; } else { cout << "Position is out of range"; } free(ptr); cout << "\nElement deleted successfully"; } } } void LinkedList::updateNode() { int oldval, newval, flag = 0; if (first == NULL) { cout << "No nodes in the list to update\n"; } else { cout << "\nEnter the value to be updated: \t"; cin >> oldval; cout << "\nEnter the new value: \t"; cin >> newval; for (ptr = first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (ptr->value == oldval) { ptr->value = newval; flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 1) { cout << "\nUpdated Successfully"; } else { cout << "\nValue not found in List"; } } } void LinkedList::displayList() { if (first == NULL) { cout << "No nodes in the list to display\n"; } else { for (ptr = first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { cout << ptr->value << "\t"; } } }
Cpp - Linked List Operations - Insertion at front |
Cpp - Linked List Operations - Insertion at last and any position |
Cpp - Linked List Operations - Deletion of node |
Cpp - Linked List Operations - Updation of value |
Cpp - Linked List Operations - Display List |